How to use railworks download in ts2016
How to use railworks download in ts2016

how to use railworks download in ts2016

You can use RWDecal to create the images and automatically import them into RW for your route, see the helpful tools section. Unfortunately, some areas are not although the image can still be a useful guide and will be essential for plotting the route in RW. Is the route shown at high resolution on Google Earth? This will provide lots of detail topography, structures, watercourses, etc, etc and also clues to the routes of lifted lines. Small sections of about a square mile can be downloaded and stitched together in a graphics program. In the UK, obtain Ordnance Survey data for the route. Written by Keith Mross on UKTS and used with permission Research Route selectionĭecide on a route what period will it depict?, is sufficient source material available?, will it satisfy your operational requirements?, is there suitable stock to run on it? Route Building in RailWorks - A Guide from Start to Completion 1 Route Building in RailWorks - A Guide from Start to Completion.I hope to see your screenshots online in the various group pages. I would like to thank you all for your continued support for the duration of this massive project, all the beta testers and all the folk who have popped up screenshots into my Facebook Group Once again folks, thanks for visiting my site and your continued support and I hope to have more for you soon. I don’t tend to discuss my upcoming plans publicly anymore as my ideas tend to be stolen or copied. More vagueness, but I also had a couple of crazy reskins half done, but I’ll leave those as a surprise for now. I just didn’t want to be posting photos up or giving you click bait without a timeline as I have been short on project time the last couple of weeks due to other commitments (Work).


Other works in progress are more work on the Angus route and also sorry for being vague, but I am re-working the Wessex Alphaline 158s ( 158860) from scratch so they look proper nice instead of doing just a skin transplant on them.

how to use railworks download in ts2016 how to use railworks download in ts2016

Knickerbocker Glory can be downloaded here

how to use railworks download in ts2016

Rosgar Angus collection can be downloaded here I had been on trains before but this was when I started to take an interest in them. Knickerbocker Glory Parts 1 & 2 are based on a real world situation that introduced me to the world of Rail.


The first being an amalgamation of all the Rosgar Scenarios for the Angus route in one file and the second is an upload of a scenario I made quite a while back as part of the Snacktime series competition. I shall probably do the Grand Central one 1st and the the BTP on Saturday.Ī couple of quick updates today for the Angus route. Keep an eye out for the other repaints over the next couple of days. Once again, Thanks to all involved in the making of this and I would like to thank you all for visiting today. To download this updated consist click the link below. Next on the list of updates to the new standard will be the fictional Grand Central and then the British Transport Police 170407 Included are a couple of quick drives depending on which end you would prefer to drive.Ī huge thank you to RMills and the UKTS team for the use of their decals when originally making this, without their work and guidance this would not have been possible. That’s been addressed as you can see by the shots below. After initial screenshot posts, I was reminded to use the proper headlights by a few of you out there. The first to get such treatment is 170414 Borders Railway. I can now gladly release more up to date versions of my repaints. With the exciting new release of the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 170 Enhancement pack.

How to use railworks download in ts2016